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Date: 21st January 2023
Time: Dragon and Lion’s Dances start at 18:00; the Music Concert starts at 19:30
Location: Usher Hall, Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2EA
Bookings: https://www.usherhall.co.uk/whats-on/2023-edinburgh-official-chinese-new-year-concert
Tel.: 0131-2281155
(Tickets are also available at the box office)
英国时间2月13日,适逢中国农历新年的大年初二,2021 年爱丁堡中国官方新年音乐会如约而来。因受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,以往在爱丁堡usher Hall 举行的现场音乐会由于疫情的原因,通过中国最大线上媒体平台东方网进行播出。虽然只是在网络世界隔空相聚,精彩纷呈的节目和令人感动的祝福却将海内外同胞和友人的心牵得更近。整场音乐会以中英双方传统文化特色为主体,在领略中国和苏格兰文化魅力的同时,也为隔离抗疫期间的两国人⺠带来了深切的慰问。
The 13th of February– observed as the second day of the Chinese lunar calendar – the 2021 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala which usually held in Usher Hall in Edinburgh had to be moved online as a result of Covid-19 restrictions. Despite the gathering being virtual rather than physical, the wonderful performances and moving speeches joined the hearts of viewers in both the UK and China. This year’s gala was themed for the traditional characteristics of Scotland and China, bringing deep consolation to all parties through the charm of both nations’ cultures.
This event welcomed the attendance of Consul General Ma Qiang of the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh Frank Ross, Director of Bank of China London Branch and Chief Executive Officer of Bank of China (UK) Ltd. Mr. Fang Wenjian, the provosts and local authority representatives of many regions in Scotland, alongside leading figures in commerce. This event welcomed by special invitation Qingdao Opera House Symphonic Orchestra, who performed such classics as the choir piece ‘Yellow River’ and the percussion piece ‘Soaring Dragon Leaping Tiger’, vividly portraying the grandeur of China’s mountains and rivers.
The Scottish Bagpipe and Scottish dance also brought unique Scottish characteristics to the New Year concert. Performances by children were also a highlight of this year’s gala, exhibiting the rising talent of British and Chinese youths. Among them, performances led by renowned Chinese reed pipe player and National Level One performer Li Yuxiang, Deputy Professor at Shanghai Academy of Music and National Level Two Chinese Mandolin player Yang Xiaofeng and Shanghai Yuguo Student Art Troupe Conducted Qu Wenyan brought to life Chinese folk culture as it is passed on and developed.
此外,爱丁堡汉语教育中心和上海育果学生艺术团的同学 们还共同带来的朗诵《假如我有一支神笔》,讲述了善良纯洁 的孩子们希望早日克服新冠疫情的美好愿望。尽管相隔万里,今年,还在英国隔离期间的友人们还收到 了一份来自中国的特别新春礼物——上海育果学生艺术团书法 班的同学们和优芮思教育剪纸班的同学们将他们亲手书写制作 的横幅、春联和剪纸漂洋过海寄到了英国,并通过欧亚交流协 会的志愿者们逐一送到了英国友人的手上,一同分享新春的喜 悦氛围。
In addition, the students of Edinburgh Chinese Education Centre and Shanghai Yuguo Student Art Troupe both delivered a poetry reading of ‘If I Had A Magic Paintbrush’, conveying the innocent wish of the children for us to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.Despite the thousands of miles between Scotland and China – on top of virus lockdown restrictions – our friends in Scotland were still able to receive very special gifts for the new year; paper cuttings and works of calligraphy from Shanghai Yuguo Students Art Troupe were sent to the UK and delivered into our Scottish Provost and friends by volunteers from the Asian Association of Culture, Commerce and Education in Europe, spreading the spirit of the festive season.
After the bitter cold of winter has passed, it is time for the warmth of spring. We hope that in the new year, the friendship between our two nations will grow ever stronger, heralding a brand new future. Let’s all look forward to the future of the Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala shining even brighter in the years to come.
官宣–2021 爱丁堡官方中国新年音乐会
The rat has leapt, the ox has come! At this festive time of year, we yet again welcome the annual Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala.
Due to coronavirus restrictions, we are unable to gather in-person to celebrate. However, the Asian Association for Culture, Commerce, and Education in Europe has overcome numerous obstacles and broken through the barrier created by Covid-19, in order to present our first online cloud Chinese New Year Gala.
This year’s online gala event has received the help and support of the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh, the City of Edinburgh Council, Bank of China (UK) Ltd., and Visit Scotland. The entire event will be screened at 7 pm Beijing time (11 am GMT) on 13th February 2021 on Eastbay. Closer to the time, AACCEE will release a QR code for online viewing.
For many years, AACCEE has brought together the strength of the Chinese expat community, mobilized talents from both Chinese and British backgrounds, and called upon Chinese and British expert performance groups, in order to host the Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala every year without fail, and further bilateral friendship without pause. This year, the gala’s theme is based on the unique traditional characteristics of both countries, offering a wealth of wonderful and fully festive performances. This year, we have been most fortunate to be able to invite the Qingdao Opera House Symphony Orchestra to perform Soaring Dragon, Leaping Tiger. The audience will also be able to enjoy celebrities of Chinese folk music leading a performance alongside an orchestra of children, the special charm of Scottish pipers and Scottish country dancing. In addition, there will be a heartwarming message from students in Scotland and China.
Want to see more content and get behind the scenes? Then look forward to the 2021 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala!
2020 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Concert
2020 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Concert
2020 爱丁堡官方中国新年音乐会
Time 时间: 2020 1月21日 19:00
Address 地址: Usher Hall Edinburgh
2017 Edinburgh Chinese New Year Concert
Guizhou Song and Dance Troupe, established in 1960, specializes in artistic creation featuring the ethnic characteristics of Guizhou. The troupe has many works that have gained recognition and won awards at home and abroad, including the sensational Manluo Flower, an ethnic dance drama. For this particular performance, they have brought a great variety of dances and songs that portray and show their unique folk customs and the styles they manifest.
2019 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Concert
2019爱丁堡中国新年音乐会:同贺新春 ‘心’意十足