Chinese New Year is the richest festival in the traditional calendar and is an important stage to display the wealth of advantages of Chinese culture, including the wisdom and integrity handed through the generations. This is also the most important festival for Chinese expats the world over, and a vital aspect of world culture on the international stage. By celebrating Chinese New Year, we are passing wonderful traditions to the next generation and contributing to world culture, whilst building bridges between China and the rest of the world through cultural exchange.
自2016年来,欧亚交流协会(AACCEE)在爱丁堡市政府、中国驻爱丁堡总领馆以及中国银行(英国)有限公司的支持下,每年在中国农历新旧交替之际,都为苏格兰华人华侨与当地居民带来一场新春盛宴。通过此项活动唤醒的不仅仅是大家对春节的重视和关心,更是隐没在人们心灵深处的文化记忆。The Asian Association for Culture, Commerce and Education in Europe (AACCEE), with the support of Edinburgh City Council, the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh, and the Bank of China (UK), has held an annual celebration every year since 2016 – a gala evening as one-year ends and the new begins, bringing the Chinese community and Scottish locals together. This event not only promotes understanding of Chinese New Year but also hopes to leave a lasting impression on all who take part.
2023年是欧亚交流协会举办大型中国新年庆祝活动的第八年,从最初的爱丁堡市政厅的演出到亚瑟厅(Usher Hall)的千人音乐会,中国新年活动已发展成为苏格兰各界人士每年期待的一个重要庆祝活动。尤其在2021年和2022年疫情期间,面对各类不确定因素和种种困难,协会积极沟通筹备,通过线上音乐会、爱丁堡城堡新年灯光秀等创新形式,使得中国新年庆祝活动延续至今,同时也让苏格兰人民享受到一场全感官沉浸式的视觉盛宴。
2023 is the 8th year that AACCEE has held this grand celebration, seeing it grow from a small-scale affair at Edinburgh City Hall to the stage of Usher Hall with over a thousand people in the audience, and becoming the much-loved and eagerly awaited grand event it is today. Even through Covid restrictions during the difficult years of 2021 and 2022, the organizers managed to broadcast the celebration online and added an impressive light show on the front of Edinburgh Castle, ensuring traditions were upheld with all possible continuity and introducing a visually splendid new way for the people of Scotland to enjoy Chinese New Year.
2023年随着全球疫情的结束,爱丁堡中国新年活动将迎来新的高潮,欧亚交流协会将邀请苏格兰皇家交响乐团恢复在Usher Hall 的演出,重启停止了两年的新年音乐会,同时进行的还有2022年热评如潮的城堡灯光秀活动。
With the cessation of Covid restrictions in 2023, the Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Concert will achieve yet greater heights, inviting the Royal Scottish National Orchestra to perform at Usher Hall and continuing the highly praised light show at Edinburgh Castle.
2023爱丁堡中国新年庆祝活动信息如下:Information on the 2023 Edinburgh Chinese New Year celebrations is as follows:
日期: 2023年1月21日时间: 舞龙舞狮表演18:00;音乐会19:30地点: Usher Hall, Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2EA订票信息: https://www.usherhall.co.uk/whats-on/2023-edinburgh-official-chinese-new-year-concert电话: 0131-2281155
(售票通道现已开启,请登陆官网查询或至Usher Hall Box Office咨询详情)
Date: 21st January 2023
Time: Dragon and Lion’s Dances start at 18:00; the Music Concert starts at 19:30
Location: Usher Hall, Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2EA
Bookings: https://www.usherhall.co.uk/whats-on/2023-edinburgh-official-chinese-new-year-concert
Tel.: 0131-2281155
(Tickets are also available at the box office)
时间: 2023年1月22日-23日 18:00-21:00地点: EDINBURGH CASTLE ESPLANADETime and Date: 18:00-21:00, 22nd-23rd January 2023Location: Edinburgh Castle Esplanade
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