On 9th Feb, the famed Usher Hall in Edinburgh was in transfixing patterns of light and color as the 2019 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Concert and Reception was successfully held by Chinese Consulate General in Edinburgh, the City of Edinburgh Council, Bank of China(UK)Ltd and Asian Association of Culture Commerce and Education in Europe. Chinese Consul General Pan Xinchun, Minister for Europe, Migration and International Development, Ben Macpherson MSP, Lord Provost Frank Ross and Deputy General Manager of BOC(UK) Madam Xiao Liang delivered speeches at the reception. More than 1500 guests including Provosts, delegates from all walks of life, representatives from other Consular Corps as well as fellow Chinese attended the event.
Consul General Pan extended New Year wishes to all. He said that the Year of Pig was widely celebrated and well received across Scotland with many fantastic celebrations in Glasgow, Dundee, Perth and South Ayrshire. In particular, Edinburgh turned Chinese New Year into a local festival for the first time ever with a coordinated programme of over 20 spectacular special events including Giant Lantern Show at Edinburgh Zoo, Performances at Royal Botanic Garden and Exploring East Asia at the National Museum of Scotland. These are testament to the friendly ties between China and Scotland, which will increase Scots’ understanding of Chinese culture, promote friendship between our peoples and help lay a solid foundation for the relationship to grow even further. He expressed that new major achievements have been made in China’s economic and social development over the past year as China’s GDP grew by 6.6%, China’s overall national strength and international position further enhanced, and Chinese people’s lives greatly improved. At the same time, the relationship between China and Scotland maintained strong growth with fruitful achievements in areas of senior-level contacts, trade and investment, science and technology, education, culture and tourism, contributing to the development of China-UK bilateral ties. Consul General appreciated the effort made by Scottish society and Chinese Community to beef up Sino-Scottish collaborations and exchanges in all fields.
Minister Ben Macpherson stated that we are not just marking the beginning of the Chinese New Year, but the growing relationships between Scotland and China which see close high-level exchanges and fruitful collaborations in trade and investment, regional partnerships, culture and so on. The revised China Strategy states the Scottish Government’s commitment to working collaboratively and constructively with China to promote friendship and deliver more substantial and concrete outcomes.
Lord Provost Frank Ross said that he was delighted to celebrate Chinese New Year with Chinese Community in Edinburgh. Exchanges and co-operation between Edinburgh and China have registered remarkable achievements last year highlighted by expanded areas of co-operation and a new vista for Edinburgh-Shenzhen and Edinburgh-Xi’an partnerships. The direct air route between Edinburgh and Beijing facilitates personnel visits and provides new opportunities for pragmatic co-operation.
The performances of My Homeland, The Silk Road, Jasmine Flower and Auld Lang Syne featuring blend in Chinese and Scottish culture by the Folk Orchestra of Qingdao Opera and Dance Theater, together with the Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra and Edinburgh Singers amazed the audience as they burst into thunderous applause.
(article from Chinese General Consulate in Edinburgh )
2019爱丁堡中国新年音乐会:同贺新春 ‘心’意十足
英国当地时间2月9日,2019爱丁堡中国新年音乐会在亚瑟厅(Usher Hall)隆重举行。青岛市歌剧舞剧院民族乐团与苏格兰当地演出团体为1200与名观众献上了一场无与伦比的音乐盛宴。整台晚会以中国艺术文化为基点,以中西融合为特色,在展示中国传统文化魅力的同时,追求文化的融合与创新,弘扬中苏社团和谐发展,向苏格兰人民传递中国新年满满的‘心’意。
中国农历大年初五,爱丁堡“金色大厅“Usher Hall被大红灯笼点缀,洋溢着欢乐吉祥的新春氛围。出席此次音乐会的嘉宾有中国驻爱丁堡总领事潘新春先生、爱丁堡市长弗兰克·罗斯先生、苏格兰欧盟移民和发展部部长本·麦克弗森先生、中国银行伦敦分行副行长肖亮女士、苏格兰议会议员们、苏格兰各城市的市长等商政界代表。音乐会开始前,中国驻爱丁堡总领事潘新春先生与爱丁堡市长弗兰克·罗斯先生共同为中国龙点睛,寓意着新年的吉祥如意。
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