




The rat has leapt, the ox has come! At this festive time of year, we yet again welcome the annual Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala.

Due to coronavirus restrictions, we are unable to gather in-person to celebrate. However, the Asian Association for Culture, Commerce, and Education in Europe has overcome numerous obstacles and broken through the barrier created by Covid-19, in order to present our first online cloud Chinese New Year Gala.

This year’s online gala event has received the help and support of the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh, the City of Edinburgh Council, Bank of China (UK) Ltd., and Visit Scotland. The entire event will be screened at 7 pm Beijing time (11 am GMT) on 13th February 2021 on Eastbay. Closer to the time, AACCEE will release a QR code for online viewing.

For many years, AACCEE has brought together the strength of the Chinese expat community, mobilized talents from both Chinese and British backgrounds, and called upon Chinese and British expert performance groups, in order to host the Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala every year without fail, and further bilateral friendship without pause. This year, the gala’s theme is based on the unique traditional characteristics of both countries, offering a wealth of wonderful and fully festive performances. This year, we have been most fortunate to be able to invite the Qingdao Opera House Symphony Orchestra to perform Soaring Dragon, Leaping Tiger. The audience will also be able to enjoy celebrities of Chinese folk music leading a performance alongside an orchestra of children, the special charm of Scottish pipers and Scottish country dancing. In addition, there will be a heartwarming message from students in Scotland and China.

Want to see more content and get behind the scenes? Then look forward to the 2021 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Gala!